Thursday, May 20, 2010

Nicolas Cage only eats animals according to their 'dignified' sex lives

Nicolas Cage is not your average carnivore. The off-beat actor reveals that he only eats animals whose sex lives he respects."I love all animals," Cage tells U.K.'s The Sun. "I actually choose the way I eat according to the way animals have sex."While he stays away from pork, the actor says he favors eating fish and birds because they are "very dignified with sex.""I have a fascination with fish, birds, whales - sentient life - insects, reptiles," he adds.Cage, 46, has been known to have an unusual fondness for animals.In addition to sporting a tattoo of a lizard wearing a top hat, the actor once owned an octopus as a pet, according to the British tabloid. He also reportedly purchased a two-headed snake while filming 2009's "Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans."He said of his slithery friend, "I met the snake and said, 'Maybe this will be my bodyguard in New Orleans.'"

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